Category Archives: Public Relations/Journalism

My Fave Blogs

To be honest, this class has been completely new for me. I don’t think I had ever had an interest of following a blog until I was required to for this class. Im not completely up to speed with which professional has a great blog, or what new book about PR or social media has been written. Although, I have been following people in our class and in the other PR classes that Professor Nixon is teaching.

So, I decided instead of telling my favorite professional blogs (because I don’t have any), Ill tell my favorite peer blogs!

First, I really liked Molly Dodd’s blog. This blog had a  lot of interesting information that can be useful in everyday life. For example, her most recent post about when to send a “Thank You!” note. This is light hearted but also very important sometimes when it comes to interviews or other aspects of the business world.

Second, Rachel LaFlam’s blog proved to be one to follow. While I am not a professional blogger, Rachel’s blog made it easy to understand PR topics even though I may not be familiar with PR in general. The way Rachel uses things such as “Harry Potter” to discuss widgets and badges is great. It gives me a sense of what she’s talking about (and doesn’t make me feel stupid when I have no idea what badges are).

Third, Beth Telg always brings a smile to my face. Again, this is one of those blogs that is relatable. I feel like Beth is writing for anyone, not just a PR professional or someone in the industry.

96News Interviews ALLSTAR WEEKEND

In my most recent episode of the news broadcast that I produce, anchor, and edit, I interviewed the band AllStar Weekend. They started out on Disney Channels “Next Big Thing” and soon landed their own record deal. They were a ton of fun to hang out with and really gave me a look into what artists should be like. They were very down to earth, eager to hear my questions, and even asked about my life. In parts of the interview that didnt make it into the final cut, they told me what a typical day looks like for them. It was really great to have a conversation with them, even when the cameras werent rolling, and having them be genuinely interested in what I had to say.

The Day I Danced With Britney Spears….For Real!

In August of 2011, I got the opportunity from my Aunt (Who works with tours) to go backstage at Britney’s Femme Fatale tour. While backstage I got a tour of her dressing room, and met her crew! During the middle of the show, her assistant came to my seat and said that they wanted me to dance…..WITH BRITNEY! So I waited backstage and when the song “I Wanna Go” came on, Britney waved us on stage! Here’s the video!!! Check it out, I’m in a white shirt on the right hand side!